Pages from my Pink Pig 8″ x 8″ square sketchbook.
Doorway. France. <br>Watercolour.
Table Talk<br>Pencil
Across the valley. France. <br> Mixed Media
I'd hoped to do more from Photos taken at the time....
French TGV
France<br>Mixed media - brush pens, crayons etc
Yorkshire <br> pen - half finished. We had to go and it started to rain!
Edinburgh<br> Fineliner pen and watercolour
Callas, Provence<br>Thinking Cezanne , of course. Pencil drawing with watercolour. Making connections and looking for angular shapes.
Callas, Provence<br>The figures here look much too glum. At the time there was lots of laughs. Watercolour
Garden view - watercolour
Basket seat on terrace - evening light<br>coloured pencil, watercolour, ink pen.
Callas - evening light<br> Drawing got smudged from wet knees from having just swum! but did a repair job. Wax, ink, watercolour, acrylic.
There was this couple in our carriage. From memory. but I took <a href="">photos</a> too.
Bicycle, view from terrace. Callas, France
On the Terrace, Callas, Provence<br> Looking up to the village from the terrace of the house where we stayed.
Birmingham Airport – Waiting in departure lounge
Brading, IOW<br> View through car window of Brading down.
Remembering a walk on Ducie Beach, Bembridge, isle of Wight
Florida<br> View near the Beach Club, Disney, Florida. Fake beach next to man-made lake across to fake Board walk. – and very well done too.
Imagined moment<br> Mixed Media
New York - waiting at JFK
New York<br>Emily and Andy at Breakfast. <br>West 28 Street 5th Avenue. 25-10-08
The streets of St Remy de Provence from memory.<br> 19-08-08
France – Katie on TGV. Drawn with a Rotring art pen.
France - Drawn on the TGV from Paris to Avignon
Central Line, London: Katie as went to visit Rupert Meats of <a href=""> Rude</a>
Edinburgh café<br> Drawn in a small café on the Royal mile in Edinburgh while we were visiting the Fringe.
Bus on way to Bologna Airport
Espresso, Uffizzi Café, Florence. 3-4-07
Brancacci Chapel, Masaccio and Fillipo Lippi
Street in Florence. <br> rubbings and drawings
Piazza Republica, Florence. <br> rubbings, tickets and drawings
Firenze - Calimala. 5.57pm. 1-4-07
Italian Train
Venice Map drawing
Italian Dinner. 30-3-07
Grand Canal, Venice<br>Fineliner and white Posca pens
In a queue - Vaporetta Route 1
Inside Basilica S Marco
Basilica San Marco - pen and wash
A Venice street
Canal View, Venice
Piazza, Venice. Pen and wash
View on the plane.<br> Pitt Brushpens , White Posca, and fineline pen
Aeroplane meal and drink<br> Gatwick to Venice. 29-03-07
Train Journey - start of our Italian holiday